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Before the pandemic, one in six D.C. residents lived in poverty, and COVID-19 has exacerbated already extremely difficult economic situations for many. D.C. Represents is mobilizing law firms, individual practices, government attorneys, corporations, associations, law schools, and public interest organizations to increase their commitments to provide pro bono services in partnership with local legal services organizations.
“Health needs are naturally front and center during a public health emergency, but this pandemic and our response to it have led to mushrooming legal needs too,” said D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. “We know that when people are represented by counsel they are much more likely to succeed. The important work of D.C. Represents will play a tremendous role in our city’s recovery.”
D.C. Represents participating organizations work with legal services providers to provide pro bono representation in legal matters including eviction, domestic violence, debt, children and families, wills and probate, and access to unemployment insurance and public benefits.
“The COVID-19 crisis has worsened a civil justice crisis that our District neighbors faced even before the pandemic,” said Prof. Peter Edelman, Chair of the D.C. Access to Justice Commission. “The commitment of pro bono lawyers to help meet the extraordinary need right here in our community is absolutely essential.”
“When faced with legal issues threatening their stability, the vast majority of D.C. residents—75% to 97%—have appeared in court without a lawyer,” added James J. Sandman, Vice Chair of D.C. Access to Justice. “We aim to change that.”
The D.C. Courts support efforts to expand pro bono representation of litigants. “Even here in our nation's capital, where we have one of the largest concentrations of lawyers and a judiciary devoted to access to justice, there are people living in our community who do not have the means to afford an attorney, nor access to pro bono assistance,” said D.C. Court of Appeals Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby. “After all the damage that COVID has wrought on our economy, those with lower income levels and those who have been left without a job need the support of the legal community now more than ever.”
Added D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring: “Pro bono is so vitally important in our community. The DC Represents campaign recognizes this important contribution to our community, ensuring that otherwise unrepresented litigants have someone standing by them who has legal knowledge, skill, and ability to help ensure their issues are properly presented to the court.”
Access to legal services is both an economic and racial justice issue. Wards 7 and 8, which are predominantly Black, had the highest pre-pandemic poverty rates. Low-income individuals experience higher rates of civil legal problems, and it is extremely difficult for them to recover from the negative effects of losing housing, health insurance, or employment. Yet access to legal services can make a significant difference in legal outcomes and is a critical part of the District’s safety net. In eviction cases, for example, parties with counsel are more likely to raise legitimate defenses and less likely to have a writ of eviction issued against them.
“D.C. Represents is a laudable effort and a good start towards ensuring that the growing number of District residents who cannot afford representation can access legal services from the city’s best firms and lawyers,” Attorney General Karl A. Racine said. “I encourage the coalition and other firms to make tangible commitments, including exceeding their prior year’s total of pro bono hours logged on behalf of D.C. residents, and consider incentivizing partners, associates, paralegals, and other timekeepers to ramp up this work by counting pro bono work toward billable hour requirements.”
D.C. Represents is calling on the local legal community to do more to address the need for legal representation in the District in ways that include:
The list of participating organizations committed to D.C. Represents, which continues to grow, currently includes:
To learn more about D.C. Represents, and to join the effort, visit here.
The following individuals are willing to be interviewed about the project. The individuals listed in each category are working in partnership on a project related to the subject area and could be interviewed together:
Rebecca Troth, Executive DirectorChildren/Families and Housing Conditions
Jennifer Masi, Pro Bono DirectorUnemployment and Housing
Chinh Le, Legal DirectorDomestic Violence
Sara Tennen, Executive DirectorMedia Contact:
Nancy Drane, Executive Director