2024-2025 Global AI Trends Guide
Following its hosting of COP28 at the end of 2023, the UAE has taken a major step to combat climate change with its introduction of a Federal Law on the “Reduction of Climate Change Effects”1 which is set to take effect on 30 May 2025. This new law forms an important cornerstone of the UAE’s climate change policy in order to help it to achieve its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and move forward with its energy transition ambitions.
Touching on some of the key provisions of the law gives us an indication of the direction of travel for the country:
The detail in the law at this stage is scarce, however the direction of travel is clear. From the above, it appears that the UAE is taking bold measures to achieve its climate change goals. By introducing emissions reduction obligations and facilitating emissions trading, it appears that the country is looking to introduce its own emissions trading scheme, which could function like the EU ETS, requiring emitters to purchase emissions allowances by auction, the quantity of which will diminish over time, thereby driving the price up and further incentivising reduction in carbon emissions.
It is notable that the law does not come into force until the middle of 2025, allowing the country a period within which to raise awareness amongst the industry, and allowing stakeholders to begin making preparations. Businesses should stay alert for further announcements providing more detail on these measures, as the costs of compliance with the new legislation will need to be factored into ongoing operations, especially in emissions-intensive sectors.
Authored by Andrew Shaw and Firas Albani, with contributions from Judith Elemele.
1 ‘Federal Decree-Law on the Reduction of Climate Change Effects’, United Arab Emirates Legislations | Federal Decree-Law on the Reduction of Climate Change Effects (uaelegislation.gov.ae)
2 ‘Accelerating Action 2023 www.moccae.gov.ae Towards a Green, Inclusive Determined Contribution for the UAE Third Update of Second Nationally and Resilient Economy’ https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2023-07/Third%20Update%20of%20Second%20NDC%20for%20the%20UAE_v15.pdf