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The UK Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) has published Policy Statement PS 21/22 (the “Policy Statement”) which follows up on its summer 2021 consultation paper CP 21/21 “Primary Markets Effectiveness Review” (“CP 21/21”). The Policy Statement sets out the FCA’s proposed changes to its rule books which seek to enhance the attractiveness of the UK’s capital markets.
The Policy Statement makes some important changes to the London Listing Rules (“LR”) – described further below – to permit the premium listing of certain dual-class share structures (“DCSS”), to increase the minimum market capitalisation for both premium and standard listed companies from £700,000 to £30,000,000 and to reduce the free float requirement for premium and standard listed companies from 25% to 10% of shares in public hands. All of these changes have immediate effect.
The Policy Statement also notes that the FCA will revert in the first half of 2022 both on its broader consideration of the UK listing regime’s purpose and structure and, more specifically, on potential modifications to the three year track record eligibility requirement for premium listed operating companies, both of which were also addressed by CP 21/21.
Operating companies seeking an initial premium listing are now able to adopt a limited DCSS structure to provide founder shareholders with some limited protections. The FCA has decided to proceed on the basis set out in in CP 21/21, notwithstanding some UK investor resistance.
With immediate effect, new applicants for premium listings will be permitted also to have an unlisted class of shares with weighted voting rights:
Some points to note on the changes are:
In addition, although a significant reason for seeking a premium listing is to obtain FTSE UK inclusion and, therefore, tracker fund investment, the FCA specifically notes that it is for individual tracker funds (in consultation with their own investors, where applicable) to determine whether they will invest in DCSS companies.
The FCA has increased the minimum market capitalisation for companies seeking a premium or standard listing from £700,000 to £30,000,000, which is lower than the £50,000,000 that the FCA initially proposed. The reason for the change is to protect the interests of investors, on the basis that issuers with smaller capitalisations are more likely to present concerns.
Existing listed issuers are not affected by the change.
The FCA is also adopting some transitional measures:
The minimum market capitalisation change will also apply to depositary receipt listings but not to listed investment companies, which will continue to be subject to the existing £700,000 requirement.
The free float requirements for shares in public hands for premium and standard listed companies is reduced from 25% to 10% of the relevant class of shares, both on an initial and continuing basis. The FCA has said that it will not grant concessions below 10%.
The existing definition of shares in public hands (e.g. discounting holders of 5% or more of the relevant class of shares) remains unchanged.
It is worth noting that the basic free float requirement for admission of UK companies to the FTSE UK Indices (which is set in the FTSE Ground Rules, not the LRs) remains at 25%.
If you would like to discuss any of these changes, please do get in touch with your usual contact at Hogan Lovells or one of the listed contacts.
Authored by Jonathan Baird.