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Area of focus

Loan Portfolio and Distressed Debt Transactions

Debt trading is now a common feature of the developed loan markets. Advising both buy-side and sell-side, we are experienced in using both the LMA and LSTA forms of trade and sub-participation agreements and more bespoke trade documents.

On loan portfolio transactions we understand the seller's need to achieve a clean...

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Representative experience

Advised GE in the U.S., UK, France, and Germany on the sale of its international real estate loan portfolio worth c.US$23bn.

Advised NAMA on the disposal of its Northern Ireland book with a face value of c.€5bn to Cerberus.

Advised FMSW in Germany, France, England, Spain, and U.S. on bulk transfer to it from a German commercial lender of a portfolio of distressed property backed commercial loans.

Advised the winning bidder at the auction and the buyer in a §363 sale of the Aries Facility from the Calpine estate in the Southern District of New York.

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