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Nuclear Advanced Reactors and Fusion

We help emerging advanced reactor and fusion ventures navigate a complex regulatory framework, apply for funding, and tackle complex business challenges and transactions.

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Today's nuclear industry is being reinvigorated by dozens of new entrants with new reactor designs that promise to make nuclear power safer, cheaper, and cleaner than ever before. Moreover, fusion energy is quickly moving from the drawing board to the field. Both hold the potential to transform the future energy industry.

We help these emerging companies navigate challenges across the spectrum, from understanding a daunting regulatory framework, to applying for government funding, to export controls, and engaging in complex transactions and partnerships to grow their business.

The Hogan Lovells Nuclear practice is especially well suited to address the needs of advanced nuclear and fusion ventures, as we bring a flexible and no-fluff style of legal practice with a technical understanding of these industries and participants. We are up to date on the latest advancements in the field, and author the leading blog on advanced reactor regulatory matters, HL New Nuclear.

We routinely advise and currently work with small modular reactor (SMR), advanced reactor, and fusion designers and their partners: in early stage technical and legal discussions with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), on export control and financial support matters, as to both public and private investment, in forming joint ventures and development contracts, and on managing intellectual property – among many other things.

Our team includes former members of the NRC staff, and former senior leaders of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and industry. And we are supported by experienced attorneys within the firm on business partnerships, investments, public funding, intellectual property, environmental issues, and more.

Representative experience

Representing a lead TRISO-fuel advanced reactor venture on a wide variety of legal needs, including before the NRC and in partnering to build out a TRISO fuel manufacturing facility.

Representing a sodium-fueled reactor vendor on regulatory matters, including export controls, and on joint ventures.

Representing a leading new reactor vendor on export controls, global engagements, and funding matters.

Assisting fusion energy ventures in understanding the NRC regulatory framework, and on engagement with state regulators and the NRC.

Representing a public power entity interested in developing an SMR on NRC licensing and DOE siting issues.

Assisting a leading medical isotope venture in siting a reactor to produce critically needed medical isotopes.

Assisted a leading advanced reactor vendor in negotiating joint development, technology licensing, and construction-related agreements related to global deployment of a new nuclear reactor design.

Assisting private equity and other funders to learn about the regulatory environment around advanced reactors and fusion.

Authored a leading publication on fusion energy: The Regulation of Fusion – A Practical and Innovation-Friendly Approach.

Representing a leading nuclear fuel fabrication technology company in commercializing a new metallic fuel technology.

Routinely advising companies interested in developing new nuclear reactors on NRC and DOE regulatory issues; including offering compliance trainings and seminars on the licensing process.

Represented a leading SMR developer on international trade and investment issues.

Assisted clients in submitting requests for potential funding under DOE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN), and other DOE programs.

Negotiated novel agreements, including under the U.S. government's "Other Transactions Authority" related to development of advanced reactors.

Advised numerous energy clients and new reactor ventures on DOE loan guarantees and funding opportunities.

Routinely served as corporate and transactional counsel for joint ventures and business partnerships for new reactor development.

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