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Hogan Lovells Events | 31 January 2023 | 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. (GMT)
On Friday, 16 December 2022, the Pensions Regulator (TPR) issued its long-awaited second consultation on its revised defined benefits (DB) funding code of practice. This follows on from the DWP’s consultation on draft funding and investment regulations earlier last year.
The regulations and revised code, if adopted in their current form, will represent a significant shift in DB funding and investment requirements.
At our webinar, speakers from the Hogan Lovells pension team plus guest speakers Katie Lightstone (Employer Covenant Partner, PwC) and John Dunn (Pensions Director, PwC) will look in more detail at the implications of the code for pension trustees and sponsoring employers, including:
• What is low dependency funding?
• Investments, what is expected?
• Pathways to maturity and low dependency
• How will the approach to employer covenant assessment need to evolve?
• How will TPR regulate the new approach and what will it require from trustees?
• Implications for sponsoring employers
Katie Lightstone has been supporting the development of the new Code as part of TPR's Funding Industry Working Group for the past four years.