2024-2025 Global AI Trends Guide
Hogan Lovells Events | 17 May 2023 | 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM (SGT)
We are delighted to invite you to an interactive and engaging breakfast seminar on Wednesday, 17 May 2023, where speakers from our Greater China IP team will walk you through the pressing issues, best practices, and major developments in China after the pandemic in a macro perspective.
Since the reopening of China's border in December 2022, there have been a series of policies and measures being discussed and issued, including the Draft Amendments to PRC Trademark law containing provisions on bad-faith prosecution published by the China National Intellectual Property Administration, and the 14th Five-Year Plan for national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the Year 2035 by the National People's Congress.
During this seminar, we will share how you should adapt your IP policy and brand protection strategy to meet opportunities and challenges in China, including: