2024-2025 Global AI Trends Guide
Dr. Markus Huber
Counsel Corporate & Finance
German, English, French
One strong focus of Markus is the advice on contentious insolvency related matters. He is an experienced lawyer who has already conducted a large number of cases, in particular relating to the enforcement of or defence against rescission claims based on voidable transactions and claims against directors or other managing bodies of insolvent companies. Markus further accompanies debtors, creditors and shareholders in developing and implementing insolvency plans and acquisitions of insolvent or distressed companies.
Markus has published several articles on German insolvency law topics. In particular, from the 16th edition onwards he is one of the authors of the chapter on voidable transactions in Uhlenbruck, one of the leading commentaries on German insolvency law. He also received a doctorate with a thesis in German law on voidable transactions.
Markus is also a lecturer in insolvency law at the University of Passau.
Advising Czech Republic in the insolvency proceedings of VIKTORIAGRUPPE Aktiengesellschaft, especially on a lawsuit raised by the insolvency administrator with respect to oil reserves (75 Mio. ltr.).
Representation of a former member of the supervisory board of KTG Agrar SE against claims asserted by the insolvency administrator and against liability claims raised by some investors.
Advice and representation of the insolvency administrator of Müller-Brot GmbH regarding rescission claims based on voidable transactions against a multitude of addressees.
Advising Nord/LB regarding the transfer of a distressed ship loan portfolio to an SPV totaling $1,5 billion.
Advice of the insolvency administrator of a real estate fund on the enforcement of D&O liability claims against former management board members et al. due to delays in filing for insolvency.
Advising ProSieben Sat.1 on the avoidance of recission claims based on alleged voidable transactions with regard to the insolvency of Unister.
Advising and representing various subsidiaries of AURELIUS group on various litigation proceedings.