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On June 23, 2022, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) released its long-awaited proposal to amend ED's regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). ED’s proposed regulations include significant revisions to how schools, including higher education institutions, must address cases involving sex-based discrimination, including cases of sexual harassment and assault. Notably, the proposed regulations also extend protections to LGBTQI+ students.
Under Title IX, a school that receives federal funds must ensure that no student is deprived of access to educational opportunities on the basis of sex. According to ED Secretary Miguel Cardona, the proposed regulations focus on “fully protect[ing] students from all forms of sex discrimination, instead of limiting some protections to sexual harassment alone, and make those protections include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”
Although ED timed its announcement to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the proposed rule is not yet published in the Federal Register. The clock has therefore not yet started running on the 60-day notice and comment period. Interested parties will want to review ED’s related resources on this topic in preparation for the official notice and comment period. Universities and colleges may particularly be interested in reviewing ED’s chart summary of the proposed rule, which includes its major provisions and highlights significant changes to the current rules.
The proposed regulations discard many of the Trump Administration’s Title IX requirements. A notable distinction is that the proposed regulations would no longer require colleges and universities to allow the cross-examination of witnesses. ED’s proposal also removes prescriptive federal requirements governing institutional policies and grants colleges the ability to craft grievance policies unique to their “respective settings.” Also, under the proposed rule, colleges and universities could offer an informal resolution process whenever they receive a complaint of sex discrimination or have information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination. Under the current rules, colleges and universities may only offer an informal resolution process if a formal complaint has been filed.
According to ED’s press release, the proposed rule would:
ED indicated that the proposed rule does not address athletics and that guidance regarding Title IX’s application to athletics is forthcoming, and noted that it will address by separate notice of proposed rulemaking, the question of what criteria, if any, will be permitted in the future to establish students’ eligibility to participate on a particular male or female athletics team.
In the coming days, we will be following up with a series of advisories reviewing the proposed regulations in further detail. In the meantime, we are available to answer any questions related to ED’s proposed Title IX regulations.
Authored by Stephanie Gold, Madelyn Wessel, William Crawford, and Megan Wilson.