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What does ESG really mean for corporates in 2022? We have teamed up with leading ESG advisors at Cardano, Georgeson and Kekst CNC to draw together our insights in a guide that provides a 360° response to this question, and to help clients respond holistically to the ESG issues and opportunities they currently face.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are increasingly central to every aspect of the corporate ecosystem. As market-leading ESG Counsel we provide innovative, cross-practice ESG advice to clients across all industry sectors.
As regulatory requirements increase in line with consumer and investor demand, companies’ boards, employees and other stakeholders are rapidly moving ESG issues to the heart of their strategic decision-making. And to inform and successfully implement those decisions, companies increasingly require ESG advice which helps draw together the numerous different strands into a coherent and consistent whole.
In this emerging space, we have teamed up with a select group of leading ESG advisors in order to help clients respond holistically to the ESG issues and opportunities facing them in 2022:
Our guide draws together insights from each of us in order to provide a 360° response to the question of what ESG really means for corporates in 2022. Click here to download.
ESG advisors from Hogan Lovells, Cardano, Georgeson and Kekst CNC would be delighted to meet with you to share our insights and thinking on ESG and to discuss the opportunities and potential pitfalls which ESG presents for your specific business.
If you would like our support on your ESG strategy, please get in touch with one of the contacts listed, or your usual Hogan Lovells contact.
Authored by Jonathan Russell and Patrick Sarch (Hogan Lovells); Michael Bushnell and Ben Wilmot (Cardano Advisory); Cas Sydorowitz and Kiran Vasantham (Georgeson); Claire Maloney and Megan Sheehan (Kekst CNC)