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The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued a Final Rule, which codifies the Commission’s longstanding “all or virtually all” policy on unqualified U.S.-origin claims, extends enforcement to online labeling, and enables the Commission to seek civil penalties of up to US$43,792 per violation of the Final Rule. The Final Rule is effective 13 August 2021.
Separately, but informed by FTC’s Final Rule, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it will be initiating a top-to-bottom review of its own “Product of USA” label policy that permits meat product producers to use the claim voluntarily on certain qualifying products. USDA indicates it aims to use FTC rulemaking learnings to ensure the label reflects what a plain understanding of those terms means to U.S. consumers. These developments underscore the ongoing importance of the regulatory environment to companies that contemplate incorporating Made in USA themes into current or future marketing communications.
The Proposed Rule and Final Rule, described in more detail below, can be viewed in the Federal Register at 85 FR 431621 and 86 FR 370222.
In 1997 the Commission released an Enforcement Policy Statement on U.S. Origin Claims, (Policy Statement)3 pursuant to Section 45 of the FTC Act, which does not authorize the use of monetary penalties for violations. Under a separate section of the FTC Act, Section 45a, the FTC was authorized to seek penalties and other relief for Made in USA fraud, but only after the Commission formally codified a rule.4 Until recently, there had been consistent bipartisan consensus among the Commissioners at the FTC that Made in USA fraud should not be penalized. Therefore, the Enforcement Policy remained an informal document enforced under Section 45, rather than a codified rule enforced under Section 45a.
The 1997 Policy Statement established the so-called “all or virtually all” standard for unqualified Made in USA claims. Specifically, the standard requires that for an unqualified Made in USA claim, the product should (1) undergo final assembly or processing in the United States and (2) the product's contents should be "all or virtually all" U.S. origin. Under this standard, only "negligible" or de minimus amounts of foreign content are permitted. If a product contains more than minimal foreign content, it may still be eligible for a qualified claim, such as "made in USA from U.S. and foreign ingredients."
In September 2019 the FTC held a stakeholder workshop on Made in USA claims. According to the FTC, participating stakeholders expressed nearly universal support for the Commission to exercise authority pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 45a to issue a rule addressing Made in USA claims, arguing that it could have a strong deterrent effect against unlawful Made in USA claims without imposing new burdens on law-abiding companies that were in adherence with the decades-old “all or virtually all” standard.
In July 2020 the Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Made in USA labeling.[5] The Proposed Rule proposed to codify the “all or virtually all” standard, to expand enforcement to online labeling, and to authorize penalties. The Proposed Rule received over 700 comments. According to the Commission, the majority of comments supported finalizing the rule as proposed.
The Final Rule covers labels on products that make unqualified Made in USA claims. It prohibits marketers from making unqualified Made in USA claims on labels unless: (1) Final assembly or processing of the product occurs in the United States, (2) all significant processing that goes into the product occurs in the United States, and (3) all or virtually all ingredients or components of the product are made and sourced in the United States. The rule also covers labels making unqualified Made in USA claims appearing in mail order catalogs or mail order (electronic) advertising.
The Final Rule is clear that it does not affect “the application of any other federal law or regulation relating to country-of-origin labeling requirements.” The USDA oversees two separate U.S.-origin labeling programs: mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) at retail for certain agricultural products considered “Covered Commodities” under Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) regulations implementing the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946; and Food Safety and Inspection Service’s (FSIS’s) policy for voluntary “Made in USA” claims on labels for amenable meat and poultry products. In its discussion of the Final Rule, the FTC uses the example of mandatory seafood origin labeling under AMS COOL to reinforce that the FTC does not intend to supersede USDA origin-labeling programs.
The FTC received over 450 comments requesting clarification of the rule that applies to beef products, and dozens of comments related to shrimp products. Although the FTC indicates it defers to USDA’s origin-labeling programs, the FTC also notes in its explanation of the Final Rule that FSIS has expressed an intent to revisit its policy for voluntary “Made in USA” claims on meat and poultry product labels and that “the Commission remains committed to engaging with the USDA to ensure American consumers receive truthful and accurate information about the beef products they buy.” FSIS has not initiated rulemaking on this topic, although the White House Office of Management and Budget’s Unified Agenda indicates that FSIS is working on a proposed rule with a target date of November 2021.[6]
Adoption of the FTC Final Rule marks a significant change in the regulatory environment in which companies operate even if the codified long-standing policy is unchanged. Similarly, companies marketing meat and poultry products under FSIS’s jurisdiction should remain attentive to FSIS’s planned rulemaking and the potential interplay between FTC and FSIS policies. Given the amount of formal and informal enforcement and attention on Made in USA Claims at the FTC and USDA, the formalizing of the FTC policy and apparent continued focus at FSIS suggests that companies should exercise great care in ensuring that sourcing, manufacturing and labeling practices are well-documented and fully support qualified and unqualified Made in USA related claims.
1 85 FR 43162-43165 (14 Sept. 2020).
2 86 Fed. Reg. 37022-37035 (14 July 2021).
3 FTC, “Enforcement Policy Statement on U.S. Origin Claims” (1 Dec. 1997), available at https://www.ftc.gov/public-statements/1997/12/enforcement-policy-statement-us-origin-claims.
4 See 15 U.S.C. § 45a
5 See Hogan Lovells, “FTC Proposal codifying “Made in USA” standard extends enforcement to online advertising” (2 July 2020), available at https://www.engage.hoganlovells.com/knowledgeservices/news/ftc-proposal-codifying-made-in-usa-standard-extends-enforcement-to-online-advertising-and-enhances-enforcement-capabilities_1.
6 See Hogan Lovells, “OMB Releases Spring 2021 Unified Agenda of Regulatory Actions” (8 July 2021), available at https://www.engage.hoganlovells.com/knowledgeservices/news/omb-releases-spring-2021-unified-agenda-of-regulatory-actions.
Authored by Steven Steinborn, Brian Eyink, and Mary Lancaster.