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The recent proposal for the revision of the Solvency II regime adopted by the European Commission anticipates interesting topics that will generate much debate in the future as they will define a new regulatory framework to which the insurance sector in the EU will have to adapt. Long-term sustainable investments, proportionality, supervisory coordination, systemic risk and a new regime for the restructuring or resolution of insurance companies are some of the main issues that are subject to reform according to this Proposal.
On 22 September 2021, the European Commission adopted, among other measures, a Proposal for an extensive revision of the Solvency II Directive. There are several immediate objectives of this reform, including facilitating insurers to increase their long-term investments in order to contribute to the political agenda of the European Union (e.g. Capital Markets Union or the European Green Pact). Another highlight of the Proposal is the increased relevance of the principle of proportionality, already present in Solvency II, and defined as the application of rules proportionate to the scale, nature and complexity of the risks inherent to the insurance business. The review exercise also includes a Proposal for a new Directive on the restructuring and resolution of insurance undertakings. To achieve these goals, the Proposal:
Corrective measures relating to long-term guarantees are introduced, in particular concerning the grossing up of risk-free interest rates and the adjustment for volatility.
Regarding the former, it is proposed to amend Article 77a, which defines the rules for the extrapolation of the term structure of risk-free interest rates, so that such extrapolation takes into account financial market information for the maturities for which the term structure is extrapolated. As regards volatility adjustment, it is proposed to amend Article 77d to make new cases of volatility adjustment subject to authorization by the competent authorities. In order to mitigate the risk that the volatility adjustment compensates beyond investment losses due to an increase in credit spreads, an institution-specific 'credit spread sensitivity coefficient' is introduced.
A new dimension of the proportionality principle will allow small insurers to be exempted from the scope of Solvency II. This would create a more appropriate framework for insurers with a low risk profile.
The Proposal includes:
The information required from insurers will be better aligned with the information needed by the addressees.
To this end, it is proposed to amend Article 51 on the solvency and financial condition report to split the report into two parts, the first part, addressed to policyholders and beneficiaries of insurance policies, which should contain key information on the business, business performance, capital management and risk profile; and the second part, addressed to analysts and other market participants, which should contain specific information on the governance structure, technical provisions or solvency position of the institution.
With regard to compliance with prudential rules, it is proposed:
In relation to cross-border group activity, it is proposed:
As regards insurance groups;
In order to better manage and monitor climate and systemic risks, new requirements for long-term climate change scenario analysis will be introduced.
In particular, it is proposed to introduce a new Article 45a on climate scenario analysis, whereby insurers will be required to identify any significant exposure to climate change related risks, and to assess the impact of such scenarios on their business model. In addition, a new article 304a is included which mandates the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority ("EIOPA") to review, until 2023, the prudential treatment of assets or activities associated with climate or social objectives, and to periodically review the scope and calibration of the parameters of the natural catastrophe risk formula.
The proposal for an Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive aims to ensure that both insurers and competent authorities can deal with significant financial difficulties in the sector in order to mitigate their consequences and the potential impact on the economy. To this end, competent authorities will have the necessary legal instruments to maintain cover for policyholders and beneficiaries, while preventing taxpayers from indirectly paying for the insolvency of insurers.
The proposed Directive has a similar structure to the relevant legislation applicable to credit institutions. In particular, it is divided into the following main blocks:
Scope, definitions and competent authorities (Articles 1 to 3): the scope of the Directive is the management of situations of near-insolvency or insolvency of institutions subject to the Solvency II regulatory framework. It also provides for Member States to set up resolution authorities specific to the insurance sector.
Preparedness (Articles 4 to 17): restructuring and resolution planning for insurance institutions. This section regulates the resolution and restructuring plans of insurance undertakings, as well as the assessment of these plans by the competent authorities.
Resolution (Articles 18 to 66): establishment of common parameters to determine the application of resolution tools. In addition, the different resolution tools that may be applied by the competent authorities are regulated (i.e. sale of business, bail-in, bridge institution, asset separation and revocation of the administrative authorisation to enter into new contracts). Ancillary provisions relating, inter alia, to the valuation of assets and liabilities, collateral, procedural obligations or rights of recourse are also developed.
Resolution of cross-border insurance groups (Articles 67 to 71): taking into account the cross-border nature of insurance groups, an authority will be set up at European level under the direction of EIOPA to coordinate the preparatory and resolution activities to be carried out by national authorities in order to ensure optimal solutions at European Union level.
Relationship with third countries and sanctioning regime (Articles 72 to 82): a legal framework for cooperation between European and third-country authorities is created, with the aim of effectively controlling the resolution of insurance institutions operating in third countries. Finally, a sanctioning regime is developed for competent authorities to enable them to take effective, proportionate and dissuasive measures to ensure compliance with the resolution framework.
Following the publication of the Proposal by the European Commission, it will be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council. The Commission has asked the European Parliament and the Council to make rapid progress in the inter-institutional negotiations; in parallel, the Commission will start work on the delegated acts that will complement the amendments to the Solvency II Directive.
Authored by Pablo Muelas.