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The law of 26 July 2023 amending the law of 2 September 2011 regulating access to the professions of craftsman, trader, industrialist, and certain liberal professions, as amended (the "Business Licence Law") was published in the Luxembourg Official Gazette (Journal Officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg) on 28 August 2023 and will enter into force on 1 September 2023 (the “New Law”). The New Law, resulting from the adoption by the Luxembourg Parliament of draft bill n°7989 (the “Bill”) on 20 July 2023, intends to respond to changes in the regulatory, economic, technological, entrepreneurial, and craft environments, and as a result to modernise the right of establishment (autorisation d'établissement) and to encourage entrepreneurship.
Below we have listed some - from a corporate law perspective - important changes to the Business Licence Law introduced by the New Law:
The New Law now clarifies that the covered independent activities in the field of commerce, crafts, industry or the liberal professions only require a business licence if they are actually exercised on a regular basis (de manière habituelle), on a principal or accessory basis, for the purpose of making a profit.
Under the Business Licence Law, a company carrying out an activity covered by this law had to designate at least one natural person, the manager, who is effectively and continuously responsible for the day-to-day management of the business. Pursuant to the New Law, such management shall now be carried out through a physical presence on the premises. While it remains to be seen how this criterion will be applied in practice, the initial proposal of the Bill that the manager must reside in the European Economic Area and have a regular and demonstrable presence in the company has been dropped.
The previously required real link of the designated manager to hold the business licence with the company as an owner, partner, shareholder or employee has been amended insofar as it will henceforth be sufficient for such designated manager to be entered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (the "RCSL") as the company's representative.
The business licence holder must not have evaded social security contributions and taxes including withholding taxes (clarification added by the New Law) , either in his own name or through a company he manages or has managed.
The rules on good professional repute have been redrafted under the New Law and additional disqualifying criteria to the assessment of professional good repute have been added:
Pursuant to the New Law, it is possible to obtain a new business licence under certain conditions even if one underwent a bankruptcy by introducing a "new chance".
The minister responsible for the business licences (the “Minister”) shall grant a new business licence to an enterprise that calls upon a former manager, or a person who has been able to exercise a significant influence on the management or administration of an enterprise, or who has held a majority of the shares in an enterprise declared bankrupt, if that person is able to establish that the bankruptcy was directly caused by e.g.:
Without prejudice to the general requirements, in the event of a new application from a company after a change of manager (and after the expiry of any provisional authorisation granted), the competent authority shall issue a business licence only if the company:
is up to date with its filing and publication obligations under the amended law of 19 December 2022 on the register of commerce and companies and the accounting and annual accounts of companies, and with its registration obligations under the amended law of 13 January 2019 establishing a register of beneficial owners.
Required notification of specific changes
Amongst other things, the following must be notified within one month to the public authority in charge via the State exchange portal:
Pursuant to the New Law, the business licence is no longer valid in the event of failure to declare a change in the manager's habitual residence within one month. On the other hand, the previous ground for loss of validity in case the business licence was not used for more than two years from the grant date has been deleted.
The New Law further provides that, in the event of bankruptcy of the company, the business licence continues to be valid or becomes valid again if and so long as the continuation of the company’s business is authorised by a decision of the competent court.
The New Law introduces an exchange of relevant information between, on the one hand, the Social Security Centre (Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale) (the “CCSS”), the Direct Tax Administration (Administration des Contributions Directes), the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (Administration de l'Enregistrement, des Domaines et de la TVA), the Public Prosecutor and the RCSL, and, on the other hand, the Minister.
In this context:
All business licence holders will have two years, i.e. until 1 September 2025, to comply with the amendments to the Business Licence Law as introduced by the New Law.
In conclusion, the reform under review marks a major step towards modernising the Luxembourg rules on business licences. In particular, it adds clarity to the assessment of professional good repute, regulates the granting of a new establishment permit after bankruptcy and facilitates administrative procedures by automating inter-administrative exchanges.
Should you need any further information, please liaise with Alexander Koch, Benoit Serraf, Emmanuel Lamaud, Adèle Rousseau, or Lorenzo Jung.
Authored by Alexander Koch, Benoit Serraf, Emmanuel Lamaud, Adele Rousseau, Lorenzo Jung.
Hogan Lovells (Luxembourg) LLP is registered with the Luxembourg bar.