
The Data Chronicles | Data protection in Latin America | Where we are and where we are headed

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Welcome to Hogan Lovells' The Data Chronicles, brought to you by the firm’s global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. This multimedia series is dedicated to the ever-changing legal and regulatory developments in the world of data, privacy, and cybersecurity. 

The Data Chronicles is checking in on the status of data protection law in Latin America. Whether it’s privacy, cyber, or AI, there is a lot going on throughout the region. Join host Scott Loughlin and fellow Hogan Lovells partner Guillermo Larrea as they discuss the challenges businesses face when complying with a wide variety of data protection laws, restrictions on cross-border data transfers, and the evolving standards for AI. They also cover topics such as emerging trends in enforcement, the region’s unique challenges for legal harmonization, and best practices for managing cybersecurity breaches impacting data subjects and businesses in Latin America.


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