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The UK Draft Media Bill, which is set to reshape the broadcasting landscape in the UK, is now in the pre-legislative scrutiny phase, giving stakeholders a brief window until 17 May 2023 to give feedback. In this Part 3 of our series on the Draft Media Bill, we set out the next steps before the Draft Media Bill is introduced to Parliament and what lies ahead in its path to enactment. See Part 1 and Part 2 of our series on the Draft Media Bill in the sidebar on the right.
Pre-legislative scrutiny is being carried out by the DCMS Committee, which is comprised of ten MPs, each of whom are particularly experienced in media regulation; its members are split across parties, with five Conservatives, four Labour MPs, and one member of the SNP. The Committee will take evidence on the Bill and set out its recommendations in a report.
In order to inform its advice to the Government, the Committee has published a call for evidence seeking feedback from relevant stakeholders, for example, by asking them to identify any potential unintended consequences that could result from the proposed Bill in its current form. In short, pre-legislative scrutiny provides a crucial but limited window for stakeholders to catch the ear of the DCMS Committee, ensuring that its recommendations benefit from a wide range of perspectives from industry, civil society groups and consumers. The call for evidence has a particular focus on public service broadcasting, video-on-demand regulation and the radio aspects of the Bill. It also sets out a number of more general questions for stakeholders, such as whether the power conferred by this Bill is proportionate, the extent to which Ofcom will be able to deliver on its new mandate, and whether the Bill risks harming the competitiveness of the UK broadcasting industry on the global stage.
Following the 17 May 2023 deadline for submissions, we can expect the Committee to publish its findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the Government’s consideration although it may also invite oral evidence from particular stakeholders before doing so. If you have particular insights that the Committee should consider, the opportunity to submit written evidence remains open until 23:59pm on 17 May 2023, and any submissions can be made via this link.
The DCMS Committee is expected to publish its findings and recommendations for the Government’s consideration this summer and the Government will likely formally respond. It may then decide to make amendments to the Bill ahead of its introduction to Parliament, in line with the recommendations. Once the Bill is introduced to Parliament it will undergo the usual stages of the legislative process in each House:
Royal Assent – if a final version of the Bill has been passed by both Houses it can then receive Royal Assent. The Government will confirm in the Bill which parts are to be effective immediately after it is passed as an act, and which sections are to be effective after a fixed period of time (say, two months after the act has passed).
Authored by Telha Arshad and James Furneaux