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Community Investment | EMEA
After teaming up with Art2Cure to raise funds for medical research through art exhibition, Hogan Lovells Luxembourg is now part of the Mind the brain initiative (September 2019).
What do the art pieces look like?
Here is the giant brain before artists' touch and the Hogan Lovells one, created by Alain Welter.
Copyright: Oliv’image
What we did on 19 September 2019?
We were very proud to organize a fundraiser on 19 September, rue de la Reine, in Luxembourg City Centre (near the Palais Grand-Ducal) where "our" giant brain was exposed from 15 September to 6 October. More pragmatically we did:
What was the outcome?
Hogan Lovells (Luxembourg) contributed to the cause up to EUR 10,500 through:
Hogan Lovells Luxembourg is very proud to remain committed to this tremendous, and innovative initiative.