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Area of focus

Global Asset Recovery and Enforcement

Funds can be anywhere. Our experienced team helps you find and collect - from asset-tracing and freezing injunctions to judgment enforcement and recovery. Ranked Band 1 for Asset Tracing, we have won and enforced judgments resulting from some of the highest-profile and most well-known cases.

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Representative experience

Advising BTA Bank on the largest piece of fraud-related litigation (US$6 billion) to have been before the English court in recent years.

Representing the largest bank in Ukraine now in state ownership against its former shareholders, including obtaining a US$2.6 billion freezing order against all the defendants.

Representing Kazakhstan Kagazy Group in a multijurisdictional enforcement action to satisfy a US$300+ million judgment debt and trace assets in Switzerland, Cyprus, and Italy.

Advising a global bank in an investigation and a series of litigation, arbitration, insolvency, and enforcement proceedings in Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and the UK.

Won a major victory for a FCA-regulated asset management company in relation to the mismanagement of an investment portfolio containing Libyan sovereign wealth assets worth almost US$1 billion.

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