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Banking and Finance Litigation

We represent some of the biggest, most active global banks and financial institutions finding solutions to their regulatory enforcement issues, class actions, and other major litigation risks, which further our clients' strategic goals.

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Our lawyers don't see problems in isolation. We recognize that superficially simple issues can have far-reaching implications, and that disputes which seem to be worth pennies can sometimes cost billions.

We have deep knowledge of the industry, the products (including investment banking, derivatives, wealth/private banking, asset management, lending, trade finance, and retail/consumer finance), as well as the law. We set precedents, lead trends, and advise on matters of huge significance across the entire sector. And we are unmatched in regulatory enforcement matters and civil actions involving:

  • Benchmark and trading manipulation
  • Distressed assets/restructuring
  • Mis-selling and fraud claims
  • Consumer finance
  • Aviation finance
  • Complex structured products, including portfolios of wholesale products and mass consumer claims
  • Cross-border investigations and disputes
  • Class actions

We have versatile practitioners in every major financial center in the world acting as one coordinated team. We staff matters efficiently with lawyers from all the relevant jurisdictions that we cover. There is no learning curve which is why our clients hire us; we will have seen the problem, or something like it, before.

To find out more, get in touch with our banking and financial services lawyers.

Representative experience

Representing the joint administrators of Lehman Brothers Holdings Plc in two heavily contested, multi-party High Court applications, concerning the manner in which substantial sums fall to be distributed by two insolvent Lehman UK estates.

Representing a syndicate of 13 banks defending proceedings brought by the borrower in relation to a £650 million facility.

Defending a European bank in the New York courts against a class action alleging that London Gold Fixing members conspired to violate antitrust laws.

Representing European subsidiaries of a major bank in "clawback" cases relating to Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities.

Defending major international banks in cases in the United States, UK, and the Netherlands involving alleged manipulation of various “-IBORs” and other benchmark rates.

Defending a major European bank in U.S. class action litigation involving SSA bonds.

Defending the wealth advisory business of a major bank in claims by high net worth individuals attacking the bank's investment strategy.

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