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Trade Legislation, Policy, and Negotiations

To thrive in global commerce, you must try to predict and shape policy and negotiation outcomes. Engage legislators. Make sure your priorities are addressed in trade negotiations. 

We counsel on international trade policy and negotiations, including TPP, TTIP, Brexit, TiSA, FTAs, WTO, and others.

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Representative experience

Advised a leading U.S. insurance company during U.S.-Japan confidence-building negotiations when Japan joined TPP and secured important commitments regarding level playing field.

Advised leading global auto producer during TPP.

Advised U.S. pharmaceutical industry during negotiation of new chapters on drug pricing and reimbursement disciplines in the U.S.-Singapore, U.S.-Australia, and U.S. Korea FTAs.

Advised Business Coalition for U.S.-China Trade during Congressional votes to approve PNTR and ensure U.S. companies benefited from China’s WTO accession commitments.

Act for Emirates to counter a protectionist attack orchestrated by a coalition of U.S. airline groups to undermine Open Skies agreements with UAE and Qatar.

Advised the largest exporter of dairy products in the world during TPP market access negotiations.

Assisted Interpipe during negotiation of suspension agreement to avert U.S. duties in AD/CVD investigation.

Worked with leading Peruvian lumber producer to avert request by U.S. environmental group for U.S. sanctions under the U.S.-Peru FTA.

Advised a business coalition interested in promoting increased trade between the parties as part of the U.S.-Central American FTA negotiations proceedings.

Help create USA*Engage to assist Fortune 100 companies in establishing a more reasoned approach to the U.S.'s use of unilateral economic sanctions as a foreign policy tool.

Advise coalitions of U.S. steel consuming manufacturers opposed to protectionist steel VRAs and tariffs and successfully secured early termination of the Bush Administration’s steel safeguard measures.

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