2024-2025 Global AI Trends Guide
Warren H. Maruyama
Senior Counsel Global Regulatory
Drawing on his senior-level experience at the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), the White House, and the U.S. International Trade Commission, Warren has advised clients regarding many free trade agreements (FTAs), including NAFTA, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Brexit, and China's WTO accession. He has also advised clients on U.S. FTAs involving Korea, Colombia, Peru, Panama, and Australia.
Warren is recognized for his strategic vision, creativity, and ability to develop innovative, cutting-edge solutions to the trade challenges facing clients. From 2007- 2009, he served as USTR general counsel, overseeing the filing of 10 U.S. WTO and bilateral challenges to foreign trade barriers; helping lead Doha Round and FTA negotiations; developing of Section 301 retaliation lists; and overseeing the USTR's roles in the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue and Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade. He helped negotiate the so-called "May 10" agreement between the Bush administration and House Democrats, which resolved a decade-long impasse over the role of labor and environmental rules in U.S. FTAs.
Handled successful selection, preparation, litigation, and defense of WTO, U.S.-Canada FTA, and GATT disputes.
Advised PhRMA during the negotiation of new chapters in U.S.-Australia and U.S.-Korea FTAs regarding rules for pharmaceutical price controls.
Represented U.S. steel-consuming manufacturers in opposing Section 201 steel import safeguards and securing their early termination by the Bush administration.
Advised Aluminum Association on Commerce Department's Section 232 investigation.
Secured major breakthrough for U.S. insurance as part of U.S.-Japan "confidence-building agreement" in TPP.
Advised National Council of La Raza pro bono during NAFTA, including establishment of North American Development Bank.
Worked with USTR to end Russian barriers to U.S. poultry exports, Chinese GMO restrictions on U.S. dried distillers grains, and Chinese antidumping investigation of U.S. sorghum.