2024-2025 Global AI Trends Guide
Hogan Lovells Events | 23 November 2022 | 3:30 p.m GMT
Recent changes in the investment markets mean that many more defined benefit (DB) pension schemes are approaching full funding and are looking towards buyout and winding up. Some schemes are now in surplus on a buyout basis.
At this seminar, speakers from Hogan Lovells pensions and insurance teams will look in more detail at common issues which can arise as schemes move to fully insured status and then wind up. In particular, we will consider:
We invite you to join us for drinks and canapes after the seminar.
Target audience:
This seminar is aimed primarily at sponsoring employers and trustees of DB pension schemes and their advisors.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to any colleagues or contacts interested in pensions.
We hope you can join us.