Charlotte Yeates | London | Hogan Lovells

Charlotte Yeates

Counsel Corporate & Finance

Yeates Charlotte

Charlotte Yeates
Yeates Charlotte
  • Overview
  • Experience
  • Credentials
  • Insights and events

With a focus on delivering clear and pragmatic advice, Charlotte helps clients find constructive solutions to the problems they encounter. She particularly enjoys the challenge of getting to grips with new and complex areas of law with a view to translating them into practical and accessible guidance which clients can use.

Charlotte qualified in to the pensions team in 2012 and has since advised on a wide range of matters. These have included project based work such as benefit restructurings, multi-jurisdictional transactions, asset backed funding arrangements and PPF assessment periods as well as advising on more general, day to day pensions issues.

Representative experience

Advising the Trustees of a large defined benefit fund on options in relation to possible benefit restructuring including partial transfer to the PPF.
Advising the trustee of five defined benefit pension schemes on the initial outsourcing of their administration.
Advising the sponsoring company of a defined benefit scheme in relation to a rectification claim and possible professional negligence action.
Advising the sponsoring company of defined benefit scheme on mitigation negotiations with the trustee in respect of the effects of their multi billion dollar merger.


  • University of Edinburgh, First class honours, History MA, 2008
  • Association of Pension Lawyers