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As previously referred to by the FCA (for example in its 2023/24 Business Plan) and following its Borrowers in Financial Difficulty (BiFD) project findings, it has launched a consultation setting out how it plans to incorporate aspects of the Tailored Support Guidance (TSG) introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic into its Consumer Credit (CONC) and Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business (MCOB) sourcebooks and withdraw the TSG. The FCA also proposes targeted additional changes to support consumers in financial difficulty. With up to £47m of redress already secured for such consumers following FCA intervention, firms would be wise to take note of the extra support measures that it’s now proposing to make permanent. As the FCA’s proposals make clear, this is also important in the context of the forthcoming Consumer Duty, including the new Principle 12 requirement to act to deliver good outcomes for retail customers.
The FCA’s TSG covering Mortgages, Consumer Credit and Overdrafts was put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic to help firms continue delivering support to customers affected by the crisis. The FCA’s BiFD project to assess whether firms were meeting the TSG expectations found that a number of firms were falling short of those expectations, resulting in harm to customers. For more on the FCA’s November 2022 BiFD findings, take a look at our article ‘FCA Report on the review of borrowers in financial difficulty following COVID-19’.
The FCA now wants to provide a stronger framework for firms to better support customers facing payment difficulties by incorporating relevant aspects of the TSG into its Handbook and thereby regularising good practices across the industry. The proposed changes are designed to reinforce its expectation that firms put customers’ needs first, aligning with its Strategy, and support firms acting to deliver good outcomes for customers, as will be required under the Consumer Duty.
A related press release highlights that the FCA has worked with almost 100 lenders on how they treat borrowers in financial difficulty and has sought significant improvements from many of them. Issues identified included:
The press release also points out that the FCA has so far secured up to £47m of redress from 17 of the firms. In addition, it has given detailed feedback on areas for improvement to all the firms it worked with.
As well as changes specific to credit or mortgages (see further below), the FCA is also proposing a number of changes affecting both product areas to incorporate key aspects of the TSG into the Handbook. These include:
Forbearance options:
For credit: Adding a non-exhaustive list of examples of forbearance and due consideration that may be appropriate to the individual circumstances of the customer to the existing examples set out in CONC 7.3.5G.
Transparency and accessibility of forbearance options: Adding guidance to MCOB 13 and CONC 5 and 7 that firms should:
offer to engage with customers through a range of channels, changing the channel if necessary to enable the customer to engage with the firm effectively; and
be transparent with customers about the range of options the firm will consider and the communication channels available:
For mortgages, the range of options to help customers that a firm will consider should be set out clearly, including in a prominent location on the firm’s website;
For overdrafts, firms should set out on their websites in a prominent location the range of options that can be considered when an overdraft borrower is facing financial difficulties to enable customers and those advising them to understand and evaluate the options. Where the firm offers refinance loans, firms should provide indications of the eligibility criteria, interest rate and term. The FCA points out that this proposal is in line with its September 2020 Overdrafts Finalised Guidance.
Providing information to customers: Building on the TSG expectations that firms give customers appropriate information before providing forbearance to help them to understand their financial position, their options, and the implications of any arrangements by incorporating them into the Handbook and clarifying its expectations around the information that should be provided to customers. Some points of particular interest in the proposals include:
For credit, including guidance that will remind firms of their obligations to communicate with customers in accordance with Principle 7 (A firm must pay due regard to the information needs of its clients, and communicate information to them in a way which is clear, fair and not misleading) or Principle 12 (To act to deliver good outcomes for retail customers) which is the new Principle for Businesses being introduced under the Consumer Duty.
In relation to credit, the FCA’s proposed changes include:
Repossessions and voluntary terminations:
On repossessions: Extending the rule in CONC 7.3.17R that a firm must not take steps to repossess a customer’s home other than as a last resort, having explored all other possible options, to goods or vehicles. Introduction of a new rule that firms must not commence or continue repossession action for as long as the customer is meeting the terms of an agreed forbearance arrangement is also proposed. There will also be supporting guidance, for example to clarify that where a customer informs a firm they intend to access debt help or money guidance, the firm should allow customers reasonable time to access it before considering whether to commence repossession action.
For mortgages, the FCA’s proposed changes include:
The FCA does not propose to transfer parts of the TSG which are not relevant outside the context of the pandemic. It explains that these provisions were specific to the situation at the time or related to the transition from payment deferrals which firms were expected to offer, so will not remain after the TSG is withdrawn.
The consultation closes on 13 July 2023. The FCA will aim to publish a final policy statement, including its response to feedback, in H2 2023. It expects the rules to come into force in H1 2024 and propose to withdraw the TSG at the same time.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of the FCA’s consultation, please get in touch with one of the people listed above or your usual Hogan Lovells contact.
Our Consumer Duty Hub contains a range of materials to help you with implementation of the Duty’s requirements as the 31 July deadline for new and existing products or services open to sale or renewal rapidly approaches.
Authored by Virginia Montgomery.